Monday, August 18, 2014

Why Younique?


I am sure you have seen my posts about Younique on Facebook and if you are wondering why I chose Younique I will tell you. (Even if you aren't wondering, stick with me).

I chose Younique because the first time I tried the 3D Mascara and saw my lashes transform I couldn't get my wallet out fast enough to order my own. I knew that if a product and company could get my stingy, let's say frugal self to pay $29 then it must be good. I also thought about my sister and mother-in-law who I thought this would look amazing on.

Now I am not going to say that money wasn't the determining factor in my decision to sell Younique. After all, I think these products are amazing and worth every penny but I do think money should be a factor in your decision. Whether it be a few hundred dollars or to be at the top of your company and making boogles of money.
I just wanted enough money to go to the movies or buy that cute shirt at H&M (love that store) and maybe enough to cover my kid's extra activities every month. What I have gotten is so much more. First, the money is good. Am I in the top bracket of our company? No not yet. And this is my first DS company so I am happy with where I am. Could I do better? Of course but I have learned to accept what God gives me and to enjoy rather than complain about things. Second, I have had the pleasure of hosting two fundraisers for two amazing children and let me just say that writing that donation check was the most gratifying feeling ever. It is so nice to be able to help some one in need. I couldn't really do that before but now I can donate products, hold a raffle, host a benefit and donate money to a cause. I love this. Lastly, as someone who is a stay-at-home mom it is a lonely job. I always tell people that being a SAHM is being the loneliest person who is never alone. It is hard and although I do get paid in kisses sometimes most of the time it is someone barking at me to fetch a sippy cup or change a diaper.

With Younique this is all mine. I can escape for a bit and post some pictures of me playing with all my makeup and my kids even have fun with it to sometimes. I love it. I genuinely love it. Being a Younique Presenter has given me a purpose, introduced me to some of the most impressive ladies I have ever met and most importantly it has given me my happy back.

I am happy. I like what I do and I like when a customer sends me pictures and tells me how much they love the products. I love designing new material and ads and having other presenters use them and say how good they are. It makes me feel important. I have wanted to feel important for a long time I just didn't know it. I wanted recognition for the things I do everyday and now I get it.

If you can relate to anything in my story, let's talk. I am looking for ladies who want to succeed and have fun and be recognized for doing great things. Don't we all?

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